What happens if a dryer is not vented properly?
What happens if a dryer is not vented properly?
Proper dryer venting is easy to overlook but improper venting of a dryer can cause serious issues like:
Poor air quality
Fire hazard (from lint build-up)
Excessive humidity
Health effects (eye irritation, respiratory illness… )
Mould and bacteria
Deterioration of building components
Dryers should never be vented into the home. Venting your dryer into your home will lower indoor air quality by causing the buildup of excessive moisture and debris. How much moisture can be released by a dryer into your home? It is estimated that on average, your clothes dryer must remove no less than a gallon (3.8 litres) of water per cycle. Modern Canadian homes are very well sealed and because of this excessive moisture inside the home can build up and cause issues like mould and mildew.
To ensure that the dryer is vented properly a minimum 4” diameter pipe should be used. Flexible ducting should only be used to connect the dryer to longer runs of rigid ducting. This is because flexible ducting has less flow and lint and other debris can build up in the pipe obstructing the flow. Never use a plastic pipe, always use a flexible aluminum foil duct that is marked for safe dryer venting.
However for longer runs a 4-inch fireproof aluminum pipe is the preferred venting option. This type of pipe is fireproof and easy to clean and resists buildup of lint and debris. Where changes of direction are required, use 4-inch aluminum elbows. For runs longer than 25’ use a 5” diameter rigid pipe as per manufacturer’s specifications.
If you need any help please contact Next-Gen Plumbing and Heating our service techs can come out and ensure that your dryer is venting cleanly and safely.