Manitoba Hydro’s Home Energy Efficiency Loan
Rick Clement Rick Clement

Manitoba Hydro’s Home Energy Efficiency Loan

When your furnace breaks don’t panic. In this situation Manitoba Hydro has your back! They can provide a loan with reasonable financing terms paid monthly on your power bill. There is no down payment required and the loan is financed through the participating contractor or retailer. 

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Which is Better Gas or Electric Furnaces?
Rick Clement Rick Clement

Which is Better Gas or Electric Furnaces?

This blog is for homeowners who want to learn which furnace is the most efficient, how gas and electric measure up on price and steps you can take to do your own research.

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Should I Flush My Hot Water Tank?
Rick Clement Rick Clement

Should I Flush My Hot Water Tank?

Yes, flushing your hot water tank on an annual basis can extend the life of the tank, increase its efficiency, and make your hot water cleaner.

There are seven steps to successfully flush your hot water tank:

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What happens if a dryer is not vented properly?
Rick Clement Rick Clement

What happens if a dryer is not vented properly?

Venting your dryer into your home will lower indoor air quality by causing the buildup of excessive moisture and debris. To ensure that the dryer is vented properly a minimum 4” diameter pipe should be used.

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How To Test Your Sump Pump
Rick Clement Rick Clement

How To Test Your Sump Pump

How to test your sump pump depends on what kind of pump you are using. There are two main types of pump.

Float Actuated

Diaphragm Pump

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Why choose a Red Seal Endorsed Plumber?
Rick Clement Rick Clement

Why choose a Red Seal Endorsed Plumber?

“I think it’s important, especially for service calls. You don’t want just anybody showing up at your door. You want somebody who knows what they are doing and has the experience and knowledge base to get the job done right the first time,” says Alandra Kreshweski, Journeywoman Plumber with Next-Gen Plumbing and Heating.

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When is electric hot water better than gas?
Rick Clement Rick Clement

When is electric hot water better than gas?

Will my gas furnace need to be replaced in the next few years? If the answer is yes then you will need to ask: Does my current furnace exhaust through the chimney? Because if both your furnace and hot water tank currently exhaust through the chimney then that could cause an issue in the future.

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Sump Pits and Pumps, The Basics.
Rick Clement Rick Clement

Sump Pits and Pumps, The Basics.

A sump pit is a place where water that drains from around your home’s foundation collects.

A sump pump, pumps that water out of the pit and away from your house and foundation.

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